
We customize our services to meet your needs. Here are some of the services that we provide:

  • RFP preparation

    Does your company require a formal RFI/RFP (request for Information/Request for Proposal) process for purchases? If so, we will help. We will help you prepare or review your replatforming RFP before you send it to potential vendors.

  • Survey

    We survey your application, employees, current hardware, and corporate environment to form a basis for further recommendations. Call us for a phone interview to begin the survey process.

  • Code Analysis

    We do code analysis to give you detailed information about the technical feasibility of a replatforming project. Call us to arrange a source code analysis session. We have several options to handle the typical non-discloser concerns including a “blind” scan.

  • Project Planning

    We identify the critical tasks and help you size the work to be performed. We know how to organize a project to allow work to be performed in parallel. We also organize projects to defer the purchase of the production hardware. This will save money and reduce risk because you will be taking advantage of any price reductions in hardware costs.

  • Project Sizing

    We help perform benchmarks to estimate otherwise difficult to estimate tasks. We look at sizing a project as the first phase of the project. We make sure that the sizing step provides more value than just an estimate; it provides the basis for the next phase of the project.